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Glenmoore Boy's Room

Glenmoore Boy's Room

When you turn 11, you are ready to transition your space from little boy to gaming tween.


As a birthday present to their soon to be 11 year old, our Clients wanted us to help turn their son’s room into a new space he can enjoy.

With video games, Minecraft, and gem stones topping the list of interests for this Tween, we knew He needed a few different places to explore and hang with his friends.The desk area is perfect for Homework, Gaming, and researching different stones, while the massage bean bag chairs provide a place to watch a show or chat with a buddy. The artwork above the bed, the evolution of the gaming controller, was the perfect finishing touch to this now sophisticated Boy’s Room.

Blue Bell Home Office

Blue Bell Home Office

Roxborough Primary Bedroom

Roxborough Primary Bedroom