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Downingtown Bathroom

Downingtown Bathroom

Main Goal: Get the Kids to want to use this Bathroom.


Our Clients reached out to us with a problem, “We have a bathroom for the Kids but they won’t use it because it is dark and cold.” Mission: make this bathroom light, bright, and inviting.

We started by choosing light blue tones mixed with white tile, and a touch of black. What you get is a classic cozy space that anyone will enjoy. By adding more recessed lighting we also made sure the room would always be bright. The light gray vanity fits perfectly in the nook, and taking a floor mirror and turning it on it’s side allowed us to fit a long mirror while still working with the angle of the space.

Now this bathroom is a place the kids can feel comfortable while getting ready for the day or winding down at night.

Malvern Kids Room

Malvern Kids Room

Elverson Boys' Rooms

Elverson Boys' Rooms